@WhiteHouse Australia found a way to disarm. We can too. "After a 1996 firearm massacre in Tasmania in which 35 people died, Australian governments united to remove semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns and rifles from civilian possession..." https:/
@NRA cause the 2nd amendment was needed in the 1800’s it’s not needed in 2024. Australia had mass shootings so we did something about it, we banned automatic assault weapons and shotguns. check out the results https://t.co/JYwE6LA7Dz
@cptnjamescook @vanbadham There's a pretty strong correlation in not having guns and not having mass shootings. Australia's gun amnesty makes the case even stronger, as the base culture remained the same. https://t.co/i5uuc0KPw9
RT @DrJanKirsch: @thereal_truther After a major mass shooting in Tasmania, Australia ended such tragedies by buying up firearms and putting…
@thereal_truther After a major mass shooting in Tasmania, Australia ended such tragedies by buying up firearms and putting strict regulations on their possession. https://t.co/eyKYYycvLZ
@AnnF0rall @ResistItAllTX @realchasegeiser 🤣🤣🤣 You’re funny. So uninformed. Why do other countries not have the mass shootings we do? Guns. Here is Australia, you can look up the UK on your own. Educate yourself. https://t.co/90CWrn9fgb
@in2this2enjoy @madsscribbles @SpaceXGodXodD @generalslug australia banned semi-autos, shotguns, and rifles after a mass shooting and had a buy back program with 700,000 guns surrendered causing a steep drop in gun violence. https://t.co/qEea9WTlQV
@PolishPrevailor @DBW619 https://t.co/v1HXq4UrWs I don't assert that exactly the same reforms are feasible in the US, but I dispute the assertion that *no* government-enacted reforms could lessen the problem significantly.
@CantSilenceBus @MatthewWielicki this literally happened in Australia, actually https://t.co/KqbwuAjsSj
@Freedomfan556 @donttreadmemes @chrisdmowrey Guns are the problem. https://t.co/nL2TYszmx3
@aquinasthegoat @srchfrtruth @TeddyWayne19 @chrisdmowrey Okay. Here you go. Worked well in Australia. https://t.co/nL2TYszmx3
@Joe399489010975 @PeteHendrix5 I did some. Here you go. https://t.co/nL2TYszmx3
@BlackKnight10k And it IS a choice. World-wide (and even in the US!) when guns are outlawed, mass shootings go into free fall. https://t.co/OYailODWOQ https://t.co/S0jvjL4qy6 https://t.co/EBD7bQScPp
@FarmBeagle @MAGAgpsmith @WhiteHouse I’ll just leave this here, good luck and wish you the best - https://t.co/i4EX0pr3AY
@Verginius_post @akafacehots https://t.co/UrAphxxI9G IF you were truly intelligent, you'd follow the data. But you're a MAGAT so you won't. I'm finished replying to an imbecile. Grow a brain
@Travis_4_Trump “In the 18 years before the gun law reforms, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, and none in the 10.5 years afterwards.” https://t.co/myww6pJF5F
@kraftykrakka @CalltoActivism Tell that to the folks down under! https://t.co/P2OuMXjGoO
@PersimmonHunter @BlueMageDanny @ResisterSis20 Here you go buddy. Australia, and it's an added benefit that their demographics and society are otherwise similar! https://t.co/xqH3YfmhAq https://t.co/5uoNkg0vDD Read both, I'll wait.
@ThinkingAtheist We can do what the Australians did: ban all semi-automatic and pump action weapons. It has made all the difference. https://t.co/F4H4NMOwBc
@RepThomasMassie Australia used to have a gun problem. After a mass-shooting in 1996, semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns and rifles were outlawed. Zero mass shootings in the decade after the reform, homicides also declined sharply. https://t.co/y
@BergenCountry @CanadaHardcover Simply not true. https://t.co/yI4XvDPDTe
@FarmerGuyDan @SteveJones69348 @WallStreetSilv Christchurch happened before Arden heavily restricted guns, you daft cunt. And, gun deaths absolutely have not remained the same. The buyback accelerated the decline in gun deaths pre Port Arthur, which now si
@themegablitz @vincexxveil @angel_0f_deathx Meanwhile, here's one for you https://t.co/BS4CGF7rtz
@AlfonsoDeLaGa13 @vyctorya @ask_aubry And which factually incorrect social meme did you learn that from then? https://t.co/AeNbeG31se
@Maybe_not_a_Fed @yoagman @Soinu62 @RJB967 @cyrusvalkyrie @BlackRedGuard1 holy fuck the cope job to bring in mexico as a comp to the united states of america how’re england, france, germany, australia, and other modern western countries faring? https://
@hisotalus @KoomikkoKivi Australia is a good example. They introduced stricter gun laws in 1996 & there were no mass shootings in the next decade. https://t.co/ibm0RE4jHF
@KoomikkoKivi Kuten linkkasin eilen, kielto on toiminut hyvin myös Australiassa. https://t.co/RKmseGAYXu Pakko kysyä, harrastatko ampumista ja sen takia vastustat sen vaikeuttamista kun osuisi omaan napaam?
@KoomikkoKivi EOS. Ehdotin että aseiden rajoittaminen saattaisi toimia koulusurmien vähentäjänä, ja tämä ei ilmeisesti käy sinulle. Toiminut massa-ampusia vastaan mm. Australiassa https://t.co/99xCE203pX https://t.co/FwEs5SpOoY
@MaverickLIVE_ @DauntlessDevils @ELPAdog https://t.co/1pNOLiJ7XC australia does a pretty good job at it. i love CA but unfortunately it’s not a “literal” dream sheet for gun control, still a lot of work to be done.
@0VER_L0AD @ssch379 @joshauger6 @Concern70732755 Australia had a gun violence problem until they banned guns. https://t.co/ipNYx1u9ai
@CallmeGmoneee @MtnMama406 @RedheadWarrior2 Read it and continue being wrong. https://t.co/cL8DrV1LQr
@MrKat295 @parafrankiec @akafacehots And gun violence in any number of countries with similar gun laws is much lower than the US. "Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings" htt
@MrKat295 @parafrankiec @akafacehots And gun violence has gone down in Australia. https://t.co/kmbHTfiPPE
@ShawnR2021 @CatzillaSue In Australia, they had more lax gun control laws. Then after a number of massacres, Australia tightened their gun laws. Gun violence and active shooter scenarios dropped. Precipitously. https://t.co/jAddILUNG0
@Heroic_Studios @petewoodward0 @wnde2670 @formerokieok @Clyatt @unlv Australian gun laws are pretty reasonable-register, have need, back ground checks, 28 day wait period. While nothing is perfect. Here's one article of what happened after the guns laws we
@duckinfantry @EricLisann @ColinSoder @therecount Liar. Australia's murder rate 1990-2023 is below. It was pretty flat 1992-2002 & plunged from about 1.87/100k in 2002 to 0.74 most recently. That's a drop of more than 60% There was no evidence of su
@HelionCobra98 @bukkakemassacre @jonsanders32 @High0nHistory @historyinmemes https://t.co/qFCsodw7g1 What is it like to be loud and wrong?
@Fallen_Emper0r @CrazyFenaker @_nwblacksmith @UVaKareBear @SteveRattner Weird that Australia’s suicide rate went down after their gun laws were enacted… https://t.co/h9SAXGPCq5
@GaryLaserFren @UVaKareBear @_nwblacksmith @SteveRattner I guarantee you if people were forced to lock up their guns, less children would die from a gunshot wound. The following link shows that in Australia, suicides dropped after gun laws: https://t.co/YU
@redheadranting @RoxTweetTalks You are pessimistic. It worked in the U.K and Australia. https://t.co/lJtjAcke3V
@PNigel13789 @factsvs_fiction @MrBriick @tokyosexwhale9 @followed_ByBots @krassenstein Or here a very concrete example: https://t.co/3IVhZIOO1t
@leatherneckloki @MagoffinWilliam @2aHistory @MorosKostas Actually, this goes more into detail and was done IN Australia. https://t.co/ttnAnzVpFo
@leatherneckloki @MagoffinWilliam @2aHistory @MorosKostas Oh, one more thing. Guess what? It worked. https://t.co/ttnAnzVpFo
RT @SpencerPI: @michaelrulli @ACTBrigitte Fun fact. Australia limited guns and no longer has mass shootings. https://t.co/H4vHOh9xe3
@michaelrulli @ACTBrigitte Fun fact. Australia limited guns and no longer has mass shootings. https://t.co/H4vHOh9xe3
@Patrick63117986 @TheAprilCutter @CarlosHappyNPO Why are you defending fucking murderers? https://t.co/7ZkVHziMJE
@BrandonFre37303 @IsrealPerez8 @EdKrassen Kindly riddle me this then: https://t.co/P2OuMXjGoO
Last night's state dinner with the Australian PM was overshadowed on the news by a mass shooting. Here's what Australia did when they had mass shootings. Don't tell me banning these stupid things doesn't work. https://t.co/ppGqdmO2ut
@sl7171 @AkTripl3 @CyTheGuy412 @davidhogg111 This must all be a lie too https://t.co/Ez6D9oGrNf
Australia’s 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings. https://t.co/0vdnN4baxj
@KatKanada_TM @EdKrassen Australia disagrees with you. https://t.co/eNXEnbTfHM
@shafercw @scottsimanski @KariLake Yes. It actually works. https://t.co/VxLpu2eEJs data is a crazy thing , man
@SorashellC @scottsimanski @KariLake You may not be able to stop criminals, but reducing access to high-power weapons is successful in reducing deaths! Here is a great analysis of Australia’s deaths pre- and post- banning semi-automatic weapons. https://t.
@SkyeKahoalii @dklmarxist Tl;Dr: the shipped has not sailed Australia we’re gun crazy as we were and still passed laws which reduced total gun deaths. https://t.co/Z4jl1ET1oH
@DemolitionRanch Oh, but it isn't: https://t.co/qEruhQgfBj https://t.co/DGSmu6hM3i
@AHaschi @JoJoFromJerz Stop the red herring- it works: https://t.co/WPJ7w2sCVE
@Green_Paraclete @hamhammer27 Except the reforms absolutely did work. No more mass shootings and a massive drop in firearm homicides and suicides. Of course we still have some unregistered guns, but the numbers are massively reduced and the results speak f
RT @CainNKalos: @Autumn__Fox Alrighty, so. I read em, and uh, literally one of the stories is by the NRA, *the fucking gun lobby*, two are…
@Autumn__Fox Alrighty, so. I read em, and uh, literally one of the stories is by the NRA, *the fucking gun lobby*, two are by right wing websites who hold the same views as the NRA, and that last two are proven false by https://t.co/QmjsIjK4rT https://t.c
@LibertyJamison @LibertyCappy Nope, just ridiculous bullshit https://t.co/QbcngXcfkU
@DaveHPT @pudgenet @ArtistAffame @waylonmill @kristy_joy @Smilegreatday This article states that there was a change that reduces mass gun deaths https://t.co/arjkHC0bA7
@TGinPhilly @xbxccdw2qj @TheScottCharles 1000s of child gun deaths/year in the US. It can improve. We do more to regulate lawn darts. Australia had a terrible mass shooting, implemented restrictions, and they no longer have to put up with such bloodshed of
@aussieresister @PaulHook_em @PunaniLani @DarkWitchGoddes @rawsalerts https://t.co/ihHwRUIIDS little help if he is too dumb to find it… Annoys me these people won’t just admit they care less about the lives of those who die in mass shootings then they do t
@GavirroDiostre1 @AKN4710 Australia tenía el mismo problema y lo solucionaron con la prohibición de armas para protección personal y una requisición masiva, es un problema político y tiene solución fácil. https://t.co/2KhQBM3LGS
@mwpetty007 @TheTweetOfJab @craigtimes @GovRonDeSantis Imagine if we had anywhere to learn that from https://t.co/s3QQpPAg4I
@JudgeFudger @softwarnet @chenweihua The objects availability is definitely a control point. Australia had multiple mass shootings back in the 90s. Eventually Banned and confiscated weapons. They have not had a single mass shooting since then. https://t.co
@MegaTeens4 “ a decade without mass shootings” https://t.co/Whyr0hucuT
@Snoopytalker @Dagny223 @CNN Well, here's a rebuttal. https://t.co/UVu9vvdbnQ
@ShibaDog2022 @Swampfox1776_ @Percussioner211 @KevinLortz @SheIs_Nadia @DailyLoud Here’s the study since u don’t believe me https://t.co/EUTvXzrB3Y
@loryad123 @USBornNRaised @CNN So a gun enthusiast claims it didn't work. What a load of crap and an appeal to authority. https://t.co/UVu9vvdbnQ
@NRA What you are leaving out is that Australia’s gun control policies were a resounding success. They haven’t had a mass shooting since 1996, homicides went down, and suicides went down. https://t.co/wXxsqrKuci
@Snoopytalker @laurenboebert I beg to differ! https://t.co/CBwKWfJ9Gk
Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings - PubMed https://t.co/vIQjLfQTAv
@CB_5_56_ @grunthaphartz @Web3Brainiac @POTUS See. Gun regulations do work. Background checks and gun laws don't stop folks from getting guns lawfully. Just doing little things like locking guns up and doing background checks will help a lot and will not t
@JohnRLottJr @rolaaus @lemonchilla @VaushV I know you will dispute this, but I'll choose to go with the non-disgraced, credible academics, rather than the notorious p-hacking data miner who invents personas to lionise himself online. https://t.co/4NtKxpKf
@martynlenoble @NRA We did well in Australia after our gun reforms in 1996. Not sure how these kind of facts are ignored. https://t.co/vCamLnJOmg
@Junah_b @BurnerCoast Look I get what you are saying, but it is possible to reduced the amount of guns in communities. Here, old article but still relevant: https://t.co/XSdsLMO5aa
@Hilda0414 @BrynnTannehill Fine, take Australia as an example then if you prefer. https://t.co/IfnB6zlMFJ
@BrandoG196 @PacNWDigitalGuy @chadfelixg It seems to have had positive effects in other countries. https://t.co/YUq2uUcKVM
@SimBreezay @WendyLeePoth @RobertHoover62 @samschwartz03 But they had also banned semi automatic weapons in 1996. And it worked. https://t.co/9WoNXX5Ntt
@mtpollack @Thearetical @mshavisham @soledadobrien Maybe instead of Cherry picking a line you like, read up on the rates. We can't know for certain if they were the only cause of the reduction but it's a hell of a correlation https://t.co/Ku1qimgWlS