Why Australia has had only one mass shooting since 1996
Australia’s government banned automatic and semiautomatic guns, created a national firearms registry and made a 28-day-long…
Australia’s government banned automatic and semiautomatic guns, created a national firearms registry and made a 28-day-long…
In the past three decades, suicides involving guns have steadily dropped around the world. While down overall in the US since…
Introduction by Croakey: The EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health earlier this year brought together scientists from…
The United States remains an outlier when it comes to gun control. When Australia witnessed a mass shooting in 1996, it almost…
A look at how gun culture and legislation varies around the world, as New Zealand seeks to ban semi-automatic weapons after a…
As teenagers in Parkland, Florida, dressed for the funerals of their friends – the latest victims of a mass shooting in the U.S.
How does sensible gun control come about when the American government is one of the gun industry's biggest benefactors?Semi-autom…
Yes, Mass Shootings Have Gotten Worse. Here’s Why Researchers Know So Little About Them. View Entire Post ›
The terrorist attack on June 12, 2016 at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, is the largest mass shooting in the United States to…
Source: https://theconversation.com/are-citation-rates-the-best-way-to-assess-the-impact-of-research-54648…
Apparently, Australia is a country of “defenceless victims”. The U.S. National Rifle Association has hit back…
Literature review of studies relating to various aspects of mass shooting/murder incidents in the United States and abroad.The…
Literature review of studies relating to various aspects of mass shooting/murder incidents in the United States and abroad. The…
Simon Chapman points out that his 2006 paper in Injury Prevention “Australia’s 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm…
This post is political. As always, physics readers who don’t care about politics are encouraged to skip it. I’ve got an actual…
Gun Control Debate with Mark, Pt.
I was curious to see what kind of defense Matt would put on against my suggestion of additional regulations to address the…
Barack Obama talked on Sunday night about how the children who died in Newtown could have been from Anytown America. His words…
www.bloomberg.comby Massimo PigliucciI've wanted to write about the always highly contentious topic of guns for a long time (RS…
I received an automated message on Sunday that there will be enhanced security at my daughter’s elementary school. The doors to…
When Adam Lanza shot 26 people in Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday, police say he largely relied on a Bushmaster AR-15 "ass…
In his national address late Friday, President Obama promised "meaningful action" in the wake of the Newton school shooting.
Jacob Aron, technology reporter(Image: Fabian Oefner)THIS psychedelic landscape ain't your daddy's watercolours. For one thing…